Industry Info

Fertilizer machine factory suggest that there are skills in buying organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizer machine manufacturers with many years of experience have prompted you to have the skills to purchase organic fertilizer production equipment.

1. The purchase of organic fertilizer firstly depends on whether the packaging of the fertilizer is standardized. The outer packaging of organic fertilizer produced by regular manufacturers will have product registration certificate, product technical indicators, product expiration date, etc.

2. The purchase of organic fertilizer depends on the selection of ingredients of the raw materials. According to technical personnel, the raw materials of high-quality organic fertilizer mainly include soybean meal, sesame meal, cassava residue, sugar residue, amino acids, bacterial protein, humic acid, tobacco powder, etc. If the raw materials contain calcium components such as bone meal and shell powder will be better.

3. The purchase of organic fertilizer depends on whether the water content of the product is appropriate. Too high or too low water content will affect the survival of the bacteria. When buying, you can grab a handful of fertilizer and observe it under the sun. It is a problematic product if it is wet or dry and gray.

4. The selection of organic fertilizer depends on whether the proportion of microbial strains is correct and scientific. When the high quality fertilizer passes through the organic fertilizer granulator, the enzyme system of the selected bacteria is comprehensive, the enzyme activity is high and the tolerance is strong. Good organic fertilizer products, high maturity, good effect of humic, after application can greatly shorten the period of maturity, long-term fertilizer effect, crops are not easy to burn seedlings.

5. The manufacturer of roller granulator equipment reminds the manufacturer to select the products with good test results for organic fertilizer. Generally, the test method is to take a certain amount of fertilizer, add a little water, change the organic fertilizer into a mass, put the fertilizer cluster in the refrigerator for freezing, and then take out the solution the next day, and freeze and dissolve it three times repeatedly. In this way, most of the bacteria in fertilizer will be frozen to death. Then, the frozen fertilizer and the same amount of original products will be compared with the field fertilization effect. The difference between the two is obvious, that is, the good fertilizer can be purchased. The difference is not obvious, which indicates that the original product has less bacteria content, low fertility and is not suitable for purchase.